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Web safety

Computers store a lot of information about the websites you visit, emails and instant messages you send, web-based phone calls you make, online purchases and banking, and many other activities.

If you are worried that someone might check what you are looking at or doing on this computer, don’t use it to get help and advice. Instead, use a computer in a library, at a trusted friend’s house or an internet café.

Keep using your computer for your routine activities, such as looking up the weather or checking what’s on TV.

Clearing your web browser’s history

You can clear some evidence of sites you have visited (and any searches you have done) by clearing your web browser’s history.

However, this won’t remove all records from your computer’s memory and someone in your home would not have to be a computer expert to find the remaining records.

See instructions on how to clear the history on your browser here.


If clearing your browser’s history isn’t something you do regularly, DON’T do it, as this might arouse suspicion.

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