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SWRC Approved Domestic Abuse Training for Solicitors

Woman holding papersWe offer an Approved Domestic Abuse Training for Solicitors, which aims to introduce you to domestic abuse legislation in Scotland as well as good practice when working with people who have experienced domestic abuse.

The training consists of 2 modules and those who complete both will be included in our network of solicitors.

Being part of this network means your contact details will be added to a list available on our website for women seeking a solicitor for a domestic abuse-related case.


The training will cover the following topics:

These modules can be taken interchangeably and completion of both will give you access to our network of solicitors.

Watch the video below for a taster of what the training will cover:


Helen Hughes is a partner with Helen Hughes Family Law and is a specialist in Family Law, with particular expertise in cases involving domestic abuse. She has practiced in this area of law since 1987, past Chair of the Family Law Association, and has frequently been involved in consultations with the Scottish Government and SLAB on legal aid issues in family law and domestic abuse cases. Helen is editor and co-author of Domestic Abuse and Scots Law and a former editor of Greens Practice Styles. She is a member of the advisory board of the Scottish Women’s Rights Centre and is also a mediator accredited by the Law Society of Scotland. Helen is currently the Chair of CALM. She regularly provides training to solicitors and the public sector on family law, mediation and issues arising in domestic abuse cases.

Jodie McVicar is Scottish Womens Aid’s National Trainer, having previously worked in Women's Aid refuges and having served as a Board Member providing governance to Women's Aid groups. Jodie works with local and national partners to raise awareness of best practice in providing effective service responses to domestic abuse. She also designs and delivers bespoke domestic abuse training nationally, both digitally and in person. Jodie has spent a substantial period within the Safeguarder Panel Team, supporting national safeguarders working within the Children's Hearing and court system.

Upcoming training dates

Each module runs twice a year and can be booked online by clicking on your preferred date below. When you book one module, you will receive a confirmation email including a discount code which will allow you to book the second module for the reduced price of £50 (a discount of £100).

Module 1 will take place on Friday 27th September (9AM-2PM)

Module 2 will take place on Friday 25th October (9AM-2PM).

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