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Call our helpline

BAME Women & Immigration Support

BAME Women

Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre

The Helpline is a listening ear and signposting service for Muslim women across Scotland. It is free from mobiles and landlines and will not appear on your phone bill. All calls are strictly confidential and non-judgemental; Amina will always deal with clients in a faith and culturally-sensitive manner.

Amina can help women in English, Urdu, Arabic, Bangla and Swahili and, when required, using online interpreting.

Phone number: 0808 801 0301 (Monday to Friday from 10am – 4pm)

Hemat Gryffe

Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid provide specialist support to women from the Asian, Black and Minority ethnic community who experience domestic abuse influenced by culture and tradition.

Phone number: 0141 353 0859


Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area.

Phone number: 0131 556 9302

Shakti Women's Aid

Shakti Women’s Aid helps BME women, children and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner and/or other members of the household.

Phone number: 0131 475 2399


Migrant Help UK

Migrant Help offers support, guidance and accommodation to vulnerable migrants across the UK who have fled persecution, escaped from slavery or found themselves in a situation that they do not understand. For more information on help and advice please visit

Phone number: 0808 8010 503

Trafficking/Refugee Support

Modern Slavery Helpline

The Modern Slavery Helpline is a trafficking prevention helpline.

Phone number: 0800 0121 700

Scottish Refugee Council

The Scottish Refugee Council offers a wide range of services for refugees including integration, family key work and community engagement services available within office hours.

Phone number: 0141 248 9799


The TARA Project

The TARA Project is available 9.30am-5pm weekdays offering support and access to crisis accommodation for women in Scotland, aged 18+ who have been trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation.

Phone number: 0141 276 7724

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Our daytime helpline is currently available:

Our evening helpline, staffed by pro-bono solicitors who can provide initial advice, is currently available:

For up-to-date availability including any upcoming closures, please click here.