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Support for Carers, Parents and Older People


Carers UK Advice Line

Carers UK Advice Line provides information and support for carers. They can do benefits checks and advise on financial and practical matters related to caring, and also offer a listening service.

Phone number: 0808 808 7777



Parent Line

ParentLine is Scotland’s free helpline, email and web-chat service, for anyone caring for or concerned about a child, as well as for anyone being abused by their children. Open 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday.

Phone number: 08000 28 22 33


Lone Parent Helpline

The Lone Parent Helpline is run by One Parent Families Scotland – can ask them for publications or details of services near you. They also have rights workers (available until 4pm) who can deal with issues such as relationship breakdown, contact arrangements for your children, child maintenance payments, helping you find out what money you are entitled to.

Phone number: 0808 801 0323


Older People

Action on Elder Abuse

Action on Elder Abuse provides information, advice and support to victims and others who are concerned about or have witnessed abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of vulnerable older people.

Phone number: 080 8808 8141

Age Scotland Advice Line

Age Scotland Advice Line provides information, friendship and advice for older people, their carers and families in Scotland.

Phone number: 0800 12 44 222

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Our daytime helpline is currently available:

Our evening helpline, staffed by pro-bono solicitors who can provide initial advice, is currently available:

For up-to-date availability including any upcoming closures, please click here.