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Call our helpline

Support for Children and Young People


Childline is a listening service for anyone under the age of 19. If you are a child or a young person, you can get in touch with Childline to speak about anything that is bothering you, from bullying and online grooming, to self-harm and divorce, etc. No problem is too small.

Phone number: 0800 1111 (Freephone)

Children First

Children First have a listening service for children feeling worried or upset.

Phone number: 08000 28 22 33

Clan Childlaw

Clan Childlaw provide free legal advice and representation for children and young people in Scotland.

Phone number: 0808 129 0522

Text: 07527566682.


The NSPCC have a helpline for adults who are worried about children.

Phone number: 0808 800 5000 (Freephone)

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Our daytime helpline is currently available:

Our evening helpline, staffed by pro-bono solicitors who can provide initial advice, is currently available:

For up-to-date availability including any upcoming closures, please click here.