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The Scottish Women's Rights Centre now has available training dates to book! We have slots on a variety of different sessions, please see below to find the relevant training that you are looking for and go to "Read More" to get more details and book tickets.

Sexual Harassment CPD for Lawyers

This online course is for legal professionals to better understand how the law on sexual harassment relates to the workplace. It can count towards verifiable CPD.

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Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence to Access Compensation

This 1.5 hour training session will introduce participants to compensation and damages available to women who have experienced gender-based violence in the UK, including relevant rules and evidence required.

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Legal Protections for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

This 1.5 hour training session will introduce participants to different types of legal protections available to women experiencing gender-based violence and abuse in Scotland, including the practical process of securing a protective order and the evidence required to do so.


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Contact With Children and Residence in Domestic Abuse Situations

This 1.5 hour training session will introduce participants to the rights and responsibilities parents in Scotland have when facilitating contact between children and parents in a domestic abuse situation.


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Stalking, Harassment and Using the FollowItApp

Stalking and harassment are forms of gender-based violence (GBV) which can cause fear, distress and alarm. Feedback from victim/survivors is that gathering evidence of stalking can be challenging, distressing and overwhelming. The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre has developed FollowIt App to enable women in Scotland to safely and securely record and store incidents of stalking using their mobile phones.

This training session will introduce participants to issues related to stalking and harassment, and to the FollowIt App.


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SWRC Approved Domestic Abuse Training for Solicitors

Woman holding papersWe offer an Approved Domestic Abuse Training for Solicitors, which aims to introduce you to domestic abuse legislation in Scotland as well as good practice when working with people who have experienced domestic abuse.

The training consists of 2 modules and those who complete both will be included in our network of solicitors.

Being part of this network means your contact details will be added to a list available on our website for women seeking a solicitor for a domestic abuse-related case.

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CPD training video: Coercive control and the law - a trauma informed approach


This video is aimed at legal professionals and it explores trauma-informed practice and its benefits when working with those who have experienced domestic abuse.

Solicitors can claim 1 hour CPD by watching the video, completing the supplementary readings and answering the questions available on the Law Society of Scotland’s website.

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