Who we are
We are a unique collaborative project providing free legal information, advice, representation and advocacy support to self-identifying women in Scotland affected by violence and abuse (read our inclusion statement here).
Our services include legal and advocacy helplines, legal advice surgeries, advocacy support and legal representation. You can find a list of our services here.
Our mission
Our Centre strives to fill the gaps that exist between women’s experiences of gender-based violence and their ability to access justice by working with specialist solicitors and experienced advocacy workers.
Informed by our direct work with victims/survivors of violence and abuse, we seek to influence national policy, research and training to improve processes and systems, and ultimately to improve justice outcomes for women who have experienced gender-based violence.
On this page you can read more about what we mean by gender-based violence.
Who is involved?
The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre is a collaboration between Rape Crisis Scotland, JustRight Scotland and the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic. Our core services are funded by the Justice Department of the Scottish Government, administered by the Scottish Legal Aid Board. The Legal Education Foundation funds our justice training and policy work.
Development of our Centre
In 2019 we commissioned an external consultant to carry out an evaluation of the project with the aim of informing the future direction of our services and strategic impact. You can read a summary of the evaluation and its recommendations here.